Top 10 LuxHave Must Haves for September
Sadly summer is quickly coming to an end. But as one closet closes another one opens...into fall. The new season doesn’t just mean colder weather and the return of football season, but for all fashion lovers it means all new sweaters, boots and ultimately new trends. And this season we’re going to share with you our top 10 Luxhave Must haves for Fall 2015.
Flare jeans
The return of the flare jean! They’re back and better than ever. Some brands are even coming out with their own versions of the comeback trend. Flare jeans are just the start of the of the 70s type styles coming back this fall.
Fall & Winter Florals
Don’t put your florals away just because summer is over. You might even want to add to your collection. Almost every designer this season included floral print tops, pants, dresses and most importantly jackets in their visions for this fall and winter. Burberry (pictured below) was only one of at least half a dozen designers suggesting floral is definitely in!
Carwash Pleats
These skirts are just proof that the beloved fringe trend isn’t going anywhere. Similar to boots and bags from previous years these carwash pleats are just showing fringe is only getting bigger and better from here on out. Definitely a favorite pick for fall.
Slip-through Strap Bags
Everyone loves a little clutch for all going out occasions but now the clutch just got a makeover. Slip-through strap bags are the best new bag for fall by actually providing you with a better way to hold your clutch and making it less likely for you to lose. This bag will become your new best friend.
Chunky Heeled Boots
These boots aren’t necessarily new since we’ve seen them the past few years out on the streets and the runways, but they’ve become a timeless classic. What’s cuter, easier and more comfortable than your chunky heeled boot? Whether ankle height, below the knee or open-toed, these boots are perfect for looking stylish in colder weather.
Mini Skirts
Flares aren’t the only old-age trend coming back again and again. Mini skirts are also making their return. On the runway this season they’ve been shown with tights, zippers and buttons. But however you choose to wear them they’re definitely another must have on our list. Most designers have all been saying the same thing since the return of the mini skirt: “What’s wrong with showing a little leg?”
Chunky Waistline Belts
This season is all about showing off your thin waistline. Whether you use a belt, a flannel, a chambray shirt, or even a scarf, what’s in right now is definitely cinching your waist and showing off your body. The most popular choice being the chunky belt. And the more extravagant and flashy looking the better. You can thank Kendall for this trend since she’s been the face of it so far this year.
80s Style Earrings
Trends aren’t just about the clothes. We can’t forget the coveted jewelry and beauty trends that accompany each season either. Large, glamorous and all about the detail, there’s no doubt these earrings are essential to your fall wardrobe. Isn’t bigger always better?
Natural Roots for Hair
Sad about summer ending because that means the end of your ombre? Totally false. All celebrities lately have been sporting their summer hair into fall and winter with no intentions of going back to their natural color. And if you dye your whole head a different color then don’t go crazy trying to cover your natural roots. Let them shine on through!
For Men: Lots of Loose Layering and unbuttoning
And how can we forget about the men? Though mens' fall style tends to stay the same into every year this year GQ has been suggesting the usual layering but leaving certain layers unbuttoned to show the layer underneath. Lots of vests, flannels, jackets will be unbuttoned this season.